GGFA’s – The Voice Feature

GGFA’s – The Voice Feature

Recently, our very own Lizzy Goates was featured in GGFA’s publication The Voice. She wrote a great piece about having a more flexible approach to collections in 2021. The piece is below. Enjoy! GET STARTED TODAY Does your business need help with collections? We can...
ABC Email Blast – Feb 2021

ABC Email Blast – Feb 2021

As you may know, we are proud certified partners with ABC Financial. Recently we did an email blast with them where we discussed how our RFC collections can drive revenue. Please see the full email below. We are very grateful for our great partnership with ABC. GET...
ABC Certified Partner

ABC Certified Partner

We are so excited to announce our preferred partnership with ABC Financial. As one of only a couple preferred partners we have the highest level of integration and partnership that ABC provides. We have worked with ABC financial for several years now and we have...
Jonas Fitness Partnership

Jonas Fitness Partnership

We are so excited to work with Jonas Fitness. Recently, Tyler and Lizzy sat down with them to have a webinar. They discussed how to foster an effective collections process to collect more of your money for your business. Here is a link to that webinar. Again we are so...